Friday, September 20, 2013

Just In Time For Bakersfield Comic Con!

After months of delay and poor excuses, ladies and gentleman, hot off the presses, sure to not live up to the hype: The Plainest Plane's Plainest Pictorial Periodical Volume 2! More of the same self-deprecating humor, illustrations, and a short story adapting the song New York City by The Statler Brothers. At just $5 a copy you can pick up this book THIS SUNDAY at The Bakersfield Comic Con.
I will be joined this year by my dear dear dear dear dear friend and Bakersfield native Stu Livingston who will be selling copies of his book The Table, as well as his latest Spam Eggs & Rice comic. Stu and I also have the pleasure of introducing Bakersfield artist Gabbi Steiger who will be debuting her book I Don't Get It, a mini-comic chock full of comics and illustrations way better than mine. Also be sure to check out artist Sey Lively who will be selling her artwork at the show.
Bakersfield Comic Con is this Sunday Sept 22nd at 10am. Admission is only $5(Children under 8yrs are Free. Come out, say hello, and support the local budding comic scene!